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Veteranul serviciu de hosting (& more) pe nume MxHost, a fost preluat din data 1 Octombrie 2021 de către H88 Web Hosting SRL din București. Aceștia au trimis e-mailuri astăzi pentru a-i notifica pe clienți de schimbarea de nume a brand-ului, respectiv cyber_Folks!

Domeniul este în lucru, după cum se poate observa pe ROTLD. H88 Web Hosting SRL este o societate pe piață din anul 2015 iar profitul net înregistrat în anul 2021 a fost de 1.809.206 lei, conform website-ului

Vor da lovitura cu noua preluare? Vor rămâne clienții vechi fideli noului brand? Timpul o va spune!


De ceva timp, compania Pantone dictează trend-ul culorilor, iar Internetul pare să îndrăgească tare mult asta! Uite că aceștia au anunțat de curând noua nuanță pentru noul an. Pentru 2023, culoarea anului este…Viva Magenta. Cei de la Pantone descriu culoarea precum mai jos:

Vibrând cu vim și vigoare, o nuanță înrădăcinată în natură, descendentă din familia Roșului, demonstrând un nou semnal de forță.


Este întradevăr o culoare accesibilă, foarte elegantă la un bluzon sau tricou…însă, cum ar arăta în Online? Din punctul nostru de vedere, ar da foarte bine pentru un website de Construcții, Service sau chiar un hotel Elegant. Cum va fi folosită această culoare? Vom aștepta noul an și noile proiecte!


Uniunea Națională a Barourilor din România dispune de o nouă platformă oficială în care se regăsesc până în prezent peste 10.000 de avocați din toate barourile țării. Platforma este un proiect Binario.

Într-o emisiune recentă televizată, avocatul Sergiu Capisizu, membru în Consiliul UNBR a declarat că:

Deosebirile față de celelalte platforme sunt fundamentale. Este prima care este asumată de UNBR. Nu negăm existența în piață și a altor platforme, dar nașterea acesteia ( a fost dictată tocmai de existența unora care ofereau servicii intitulate ca fiind avocațiale, dar fără să existe posibilitatea de a controla în mod efectiv dacă cel care prestează activitatea este sau nu avocat. Ca atare, în acest fel cetățeanul poate fi lesne indus în eroare, printr-o publicitate agresivă dar cu rezultate îndoielnice în planul intereselor juridice.

Această nouă platformă oferă un mod unic de afișare a avocaților, promovându-i în mod transparent și obiectiv, permițându-le avocaților înscriși să își completeze singuri profilul ce conține detalii despre meseria practicată, detalii despre studii și specializări, fotografii, șamd.

Platforma oferă utilizatorilor garanția consultanței juridice în condiții de legalitate de către avocați și în conformitate cu normele deontologice care guvernează profesia. Găsiți alte detalii relevante pe această temă pe pagina oficială a UNBR.


Deepfake is something very interesting and at the same time something very terrifying. This means a video that shows us a person who in fact………….isn't really the person that we see.

The most famous Deepfake is the one from 2018, where an actor named Jorden Peele makes a deepfake that shows President Obama as the protagonist of a video broadcast on YouTube. It was downright incredible and it set the tone for the alert that other people might do this in the future, but the purpose was an evil one.

This video was made by combining multiple footage with multiple moments showing President Obama in the frame. From here it was possible to combine a set of gestures and visual emotions that, together with a good vocal imitation, generated a fake video or a so-called deepfake.

Moving on to the year 2022, see that this "weapon" is put into practice. The news tells us that the mayor of Berlin had a video call with the mayor of Kyiv, only that the latter...wasn't really him in the footage. It seemed to be him in the video, he had a similar voice, but it was all a deepfake, for political purposes and to receive undue amounts of money. Digital warfare is already being used and we have been warned about it since 2018 by a comedian. How ironic, considering the same previous quality of the current president of Ukraine.

Can we spot a Deepfake?

According to a security report by AVG, report released in late June 2022, there are a few signs that a video is deepfake:

  • strange blinking – it seems that the people appearing in a deepfake video did not correctly generate the natural ability to blink (in the video with Obama, the blinking part seems quite well done, although everything is on a blurred background);
  • facial movement that is jerked – because the digital man is built from video frames from many different scenes, the image can "jump", and that would obviously spoil the naturalness of the facial movement;
  • color tone shift – again, due to the set of frames from different days and times of the character, some movements (although suitable as a mime) may even in a micro-gesture display a different natural color tone from footage supposedly taken in a controlled setting with constant light;
  • a strange mix of several facial expressions – with more complex facial expressions, a combination of adjacent frames could appear that simply betrays the video compilation used for the deepfake.

Is this important to know? Categorical! These technologies open new horizons in the world of Scams and can evolve in countless ways both for the purpose of political destabilization and in ways of stealing economic data or harming individuals. Time shows us that nothing is impossible in the field of Technology and the Internet, so it remains for us to be the first and most vigilant!


The trend of e-commerce has been an upward trend for years. It has some simple reasons behind it and some others not so simple to understand without some technical know-how behind it. Let's find out what they are!

A notable growth of this online sector has been predicted by experts for 2018, according to Forbes. At that time, the positive trend of online shopping could be seen, with many merchants investing in technique and technology for the online sales process. For example, a "fashion" of the time was the implementation of a chatbot, a robot with automatic messages for your website, which would more easily guide the potential customer to the desired answer or to the desired section.

After these predictions, there were also some lines drawn near the end of 2018. Some experts concluded some strong points of the growth of sales on the Internet:

1. Adaptability to mobile phone

People have given the old computer to the mobile phone which is good for everything. As a result, the websites that did not transform in a responsive way to these devices, had to lose. Many understood this and did not stop to research, quickly investing in their platforms and…coming out in profit.

2. Easiness

Shopping online is simply effortless. Generally, casual. People have started to learn the systems, they have started to learn the merchants and they have more confidence and dexterity in making an online purchase. If the websites also know how to make the shopping and check-out process as simple as possible, success results!

3. Variety of products

Online you can find a wide variety of products, which are usually not found in physical stores. This is a plus that leads to the growing trend of e-commerce.

4. Smart Offers through Technology

Behind the scenes of a modern website, it better analyzes the buyer's intent and can more easily generate a product or a selection of products for them, based on their behavior. Automating some processes through filters, tags and any other ordering element, provides speed in the decision process and greater success in making the final transaction.


In Romania, a 13-15% increase in the e-commerce sector was estimated, according to the words of the executive director of the Romanian Association of Online Stores, namely Florinel Chiș. He adds that there was also a 50% increase in card payments, falling within the pace of consolidation seen in 2022.

So, the future will be more and more digital, and with the evolution of technology and the increase of easy access to the Internet, the field of online shopping will take an increasingly pronounced shape, also showing particularities of shopping preferences for any country in particular. We are still at the beginning!


A very serious type of cyber attack is the ransomware attack. As the name suggests, it involves a hacker gaining an advantage against you and demanding a sum of money from you to stop the attack.

Lincoln College in the United States of America, a school with a history of 157 years, has not withstood two things: The Covid Pandemic and Ransomware Attacks. According to the Malwarebytes blog, in December 2021, this school, which was already suffering from low enrollment in its classes due to the Pandemic, was attacked by hackers and the school's data was encrypted. In order for the information to be decrypted, the hackers demanded various sums of money from which the Lincoln school paid a ransom for the data at a price of just under 100,000 US dollars, according to CBS News. However, the school remains closed and a donation strategy is being attempted to restart the engines, but the future doesn't look too bright for them.

As strategies to apply against such attacks, Malwarebytes recommends measures such as:

  • authentication through several factors (confirmation, e-mail, pin, phone number...);
  • installing an antivirus on the computer system;
  • updating software, to avoid security breaches;
  • regular back-up of files;
  • training for employees, regarding the field of IT security.


In the last two years, Romania has faced an increased volume of cyber attacks. They reveal security breaches in various websites and put at risk the personal data of users related to these websites.

Imagine you have a Yahoo email account. Imagine that hackers break into the Yahoo site and steal the data containing the user and password of the account. You don't actually have to imagine, because this actually happened at the end of 2013! If you haven't changed your password in a while, you should!

What happens after that? Well, many scenarios. One of them is selling these packages of information on the Dark Web, i.e. the black market of hackers, where you can find account details and passwords, information about debit and credit cards or how to steal them, hacking manuals, drugs and much more . Then you get an email from someone who "greets" you with your own personal password and tricks you into thinking that they have nude pictures of you or that you've accessed compromising sites and that they can tell all your friends about it . In fact, that's just a hacker playing a bluff based on only one part of the truth, namely your password that you actually used on that email. And maybe on other websites too! You really need to change it!

This happened not because of your fault but because of a security breach on a website. A major one indeed! So, would your humble hotel or small online business be more special? All of them can be attacked by hackers. But... you can defend yourself very well against these attacks.


The National Directorate of Cyber ​​Security in Romania published a cyber security guide on their website on May 1, 2022

It is a very interesting guide and at the same time a very real one as to the need for measures to be adopted to secure our website or even our personal phone. We receive advice from the simplest (don't click on any link, keep website plugins updated, use two-factor authentication...), to the most complex (installing a firewall, encrypting data, using VPN...).

All are good tips, and many are easy to apply right from the start of an online project. Even when we use a personal phone or laptop we need to know what to activate and what not. Also, folks, at least use an antivirus! You can find the rest of the tips in the above-mentioned guide!

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Online marketing agency with over 15 years of experience in complex projects. We create online platforms, online stores, websites, mobile applications, blogs, social media promotion, Google Ads campaigns, photography, graphics, networking, customized software, IT.

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