OpenAI is an artificial intelligence (AI) research company and is known for the Chat GPT project. OpenAI recently announced the launch of its program of reward for identifying errors (Bug Bounty Program). This program invites security professionals and developers around the world to identify and report security issues in OpenAI systems, offering financial rewards in return.
The OpenAI Bug Bounty Program focuses on identifying security issues that could affect OpenAI's products and services or company data and systems. These issues could include security vulnerabilities, configuration issues, or issues with your company's security policies. Security professionals and developers who identify and report such issues are eligible to receive a financial reward, which varies based on the severity of the reported issue and its impact on OpenAI products and services.
Rewards for reporting issues can range from US$200 to US$20,000, depending on the severity and impact of the reported issue. OpenAI mentioned that if a reported issue is more serious and has a greater impact on its products and services, the reward may be higher than the maximum amount of $20,000! Tempting, right?
It is important to note that rewards are only offered for security issues reported and confirmed by OpenAI. Also, rewards are not offered for issues affecting third-party products or services that use OpenAI technology. Think you can help? You have every reason to do it!